- Clemson
- Alabama
- Ohio State
- Oklahoma
- Notre Dame
- Florida
- Georgia
- Texas
- Washington State
- Kentucky
- Washington
- Michigan
- Syracuse
- Texas A&M
- Penn State
- Fresno State
- Army
- West Virginia
- Northwestern
- Utah State
- Boise State
- Cincinnati
- Iowa
Saturday, August 10, 2019
2019 NCAA football preseason Rankings
AP top 25 teams to kick off the 2019 season. Clemson is back to defend its title from last season. This year's NFL draft snatched the core of that championship defense that dominated everybody. 4 SEC teams in the top 10 look to dethrone the champs. Florida and Texas had a bounce back season. Kentucky is my biggest surprise at 12. Had to double check, but there is no UCLA or USC in the top 25. Washington and Washington State represent the Pac-12.
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