Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NBA Semifinals & LBJ's next home

So as Prince James sit at home after another early exit from the playoffs, some recognizable faces are turning up the heat for the final stretch....Im gonna be brief and to the point

Kobe's finger doesn't seem to bother him a bit...Him and Pau Gasol are carrying the Lakers on their backs...After watching the brilliant 20 pt 3rd qtr Phil Jackson knows this act so very well...The Suns can score at a very fast pace and in big spurt but this team is just to much, Lakers win this series in 6

Boston with the dismantling of the Prince James has him thinking about where he wants to call home next season...Now its Superman's turn! K.G is back and in full swing...With the Big 3 turning on the heat I don't know if the Magic has enough to return back to the Finals...Ray Allen is finding his shot, Rondo turned it on the whole season, and give Pauly a little room and the game is over....Celtics win the series in 7

So Where you going Bron?
Here's my take of where he's more likely to end up!

Chicago--I really don't think he will be willing to go that far into M.J's legacy...There's a lot of pressure he risks putting on himself if he makes this move..Team seems to be in place there with D.Rose running the show...37%

New York--If Amare or Chris Bosh makes the move with him here I think this could be a good move ..42%

Cleveland- He just cant seem to get it done in his backyard...Maybe they are one player away from the missing piece but he cant do it all by himself..it seems that they will be willing to do whatever to keep him there so it is his call......62%

Miami--Now the thought of this team would be a wonderful thing for the NBA..Bron teaming up with DWayde with Pat Riley maybe being back at the Head...May make Phil Kobe get the chills...81%

New Jersey--Jay-Z calls the shot in the Rap game but can he take that to David Stern and The Prince.I know would love to go to one of the games in a couple of years...#BiGTimeMarketing!...26%

Charlotte...The man is running the show now so if he wants to learn from the man MJ himself he will head into this direction...Could put together a good team but I think they may have Insufficient Funds...14%

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